Wednesday, February 06, 2008

You know that you can lease autos, computers, and other equipment, but do you know about commercial leasebacks? If your business needs cash, and you own the property, you can sell it and then lease it back. Commercial leaseback is a way to get the equity out of your building and put it to work. You'll have cash to grow your company, increase your marketing efforts, or add a new product line.

You won't have to go through the effort of moving, disrupting employees, or letting your customers know your address has changed. No expenses involved with relocating phone lines and other communications. You might even be able to negotiate an option to buy the property back at a later date.

Of course you'll have to pay off any mortgage with the proceeds but in today's market you still could end up with a nice chunk of cash. Just about any kind of commercial property can be leased back from restaurants to warehouses to office buildings.

Selling commercial property is best left to experts. It's a bit more complicated than selling a house. You want to get fair value for your property and at the same time get a reasonable lease rate.

If your business could use an infusion of cash, a commercial leaseback might be the solution to your problem.


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