Your next step is to set a target amount of money that you can pay in addition to the minimum payments. Without getting all tangled up in a complicated math explanation just keep in mind that for every $100 over the monthly minimum payment, you'll be erasing $1200 a year of debt. It will still take about 10 years to pay off the $10,000. But $100 a month isn't that much money if you break it down. If you eat lunch out every day at work that's $100 right there if you switch to brown bagging your own lunch. And that's what you'll have to do next. Figure out where you can find some extra cash.
Put any cash gifts toward your credit card debt. If you get an income tax refund pay down the debt. Use your raise to pay off even more debt.
Some people are so overwhelmed by their debt that even if they implement the above steps, getting all that debt paid off isn't really possible without some help. If that's you, you still have a couple of options.
Debt settlement is using some of your cash and getting your creditors to agree to take the lesser amount as payment in full. That will hurt your credit rating and there may be some income tax consequences but the debt and the monthly debt payment will be gone.
Credit counseling is a possibility. The counseling service will set up a reasonable, although tight, budget and use every extra dime to go towards debt payment. They'll negotiate with each creditor to adjust the interest rate, waive late fees, and sometimes decrease the amount owed.